Saturday, July 2, 2011

Red, White and Blue Yellowfish

There is nothing quite like sleeping with the windows open during these early summer nights when the temperatures drop like cold sheets into the 50's. Actually, it was 49 degrees when I came down for coffee this morning.  The sun thankfully was out yet I still needed to put on a jacket before taking the dog out. As I did I looked around and noticed all the American flags jutting from many of the nearby front porches. A slight breeze lifted the corners, folding them in and around the air as the street filled with the chatter of birds. Their conversations echoing out from under the canopy of trees as I just stood still for a moment.

How easy it is now to enjoy these simple, wonderous moments the earth offers up and yet how many times I just pushed it all aside while rushing to get somewhere else while working. Especially all those mornings when I was late for work and truly ran out the door. And now, I am ashamed to admit that it still happens on occasion, when I get off track.  Maybe I'm no longer rushing out the door but I still find myself rushing ahead of myself. Be it what the day has in store, the week, the next few months. And then I remind myself that I am in control of these emotions as well as the to-do list. And I melt back into my chair almost, almost as far as my dog melds into the couch when she is in her deep sleep mode. And just breath.

It is fourth of July weekend and we have lots of family picnics, golf games, cemetery visits and back yard grilling on the to-do list. And none of these will be rushed. Like a slow cooker each glass of iced tea, each conversation, each turn of the steaks will be seeped in love and savored, met with thoughts of how much we appreciate our lives as well as this land we so love.  And we certainly will also be raising a glass to all those that made it possible and continue to make it possible. Those that served and are fighting for our freedoms, protecting our cities and towns and for those that understand what a price these people have paid and are paying for this very privilege. God keep you all safe. And thank you for fighting for our freedoms.

Happy fourth of July to you and yours!

P.S. One of my favorite dad (and later also favorite father in-law) memories was watching the old Jimmy Cagney movie, Yankee Doodle Dandy together. Thanks, Dads for serving in WWII!

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